Water Line Material Verification Information


This page was created specifically to help Beverly Hills residents understand the water service line material verification process that the Village is currently undertaking.  Water quality and safety is a top priority for our water customers. Per State requirements, the Village of Beverly Hills is required to provide the State with an updated inventory of all water service line (WSL) pipe materials to verify if the pipe is lead, copper, or another material for the purpose of ensuring said water quality and safety. Please understand that the Village is diligently working to identify your service line material in a timely manner with minimal inconvenience to you, the resident and our water customer.


Service lines carry water from the water main under the street up to your home.  The required inventory will ascertain the material of a customer’s water service line from two points at the curb box outside the customer’s home to the water meter inside the customer’s home.  Certain residents were randomly selected to participate in this water line material verification. 


Under the amended lead and copper provisions of the Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act, a complete Distribution System Materials Inventory is required to be submitted to the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) by January 1, 2025.  For this inventory, water suppliers, such as Beverly Hills, must develop an inventory that “characterizes and documents water service line materials and provides demonstration through physical verification that the inventory is accurate.” The physical verification of existing service line material must occur both inside the home and at the curb stop (which is typically located at the property line in front of your home or business) or points 1, 2, and 3 on the illustration set forth below.


Recently, EGLE provided guidance on developing the process for quantifying and identifying a random selected sample of water service lines that require physical verification The list of addresses in the Village undergoing service material verification was created using a random number generator.  Based on the number of service connections, the Village is required to physically verify the water service line material at 354 random addresses throughout the water system.


The in-home verification requires visual access to your service line where it enters your home or business, just before your water meter. Residents will either be able to determine the material themselves (through a self-guided tutorial) or they can schedule an inspection appointment with the Village’s Consulting Engineer, Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. The in-home verifications are currently underway and will continue for the next couple of months.  Below is a detailed figure, explaining the in-home verification process.

InsideVerification Process

To schedule an appointment for an inspection online, visit https://tinyurl.com/BevHillsVerifAppt.

Then, an outside verification of the water service line will be done by Village contractors. It requires one or two small core holes in the front of your property, near the roadway, on each side of your curb box. Village contractors will also restore the yard area disturbed by the work. Residents don’t need to be home for this inspection and the water service will not be interrupted. We anticipate that outdoor work will begin during Spring-Summer 2023. 


The Village is utilizing funding providing by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) and a Local Government Critical Infrastructure grant from the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to the Village of Beverly Hills. These funds will be utilized to fulfill the State’s requirements and no expense will be incurred to our water customers. 


Once the physical verifications are complete, the Village will review the information collected, extrapolate the data, and predict the water service line materials of the homes and businesses that were not physically verified. This predictive analysis will be based on verified service lines in the vicinity, home built year, location, water main age, and other applicable factors. This evaluation will help the Village complete its Complete Distribution System Materials Inventory in compliance with the revised Michigan Lead and Copper Rule.


The Village has contracted with our engineering firm, Hubbell, Roth & Clark (HRC), to schedule and complete the verification work.  HRC mailed out notices in early and late January to schedule an appointment to verify the service material in your home.  To view a copy of the introductory letter, click here.  To view the letter detailing the verification process, click hereYour participation in this Verification Program is important for the Village to meet State requirements. The Village has retained the consulting engineering firm Hubbell, Roth & Clark (HRC) to assist with the Service Line Materials Verification program.  If you have any questions about your service line verification, please email BevHillsWaterVerif@gmail.com.  You can also contact Janice Strine from HRC at (248) 454-6320.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.